Setting the Captives Free

Jericho Ministries began as a result of a desire from God placed in the heart of a missionary to reach out to those trapped in prostitution. The ministry began very simply with evening visits to a high prostitution area in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Once the women began to trust Christ with their lives, it became clear that they needed help finding jobs which would allow them to work with dignity and integrity. Out of that need was born the sewing workshop of Jericho. Later the increasing burden to reach their children became the impetus for starting our schools and family homes with the vision to enable these children to lead lives that glorify God, thus breaking the generational chains of prostitution, sexual abuse, and various addictions that have plagued their families for generations.


Today Jericho Ministries, a non-profit Christian organization, consists of three ministry sites, two in Tegucigalpa, and another in the country. Our site in the city houses our school for children whose families work in the dump or are at high risk for entering gangs or prostitution, as well as our women’s workshop, offices for our staff, and a store to sell products made by our “rescued women”. Our second site in the city is a home for ministry to our older boys. Our site in the country is home to 43 children who are educated and cared for 24/7. Our ministry also leads various types of outreaches led by our Jericho children and staff including ministry to families living near the dump. All of our women and children experienced extremely traumatic events in their childhoods, some things too difficult for us to even imagine and our prayer is that through vocational and formal education, discipleship training, and prayer-filled loving care in a family atmosphere they will be equipped, healed, and set free to become all that God has in mind for them to be. Then in God’s timing they can be agents of God’s freedom in the lives of others.

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Our Vision Statement 

By the Power of the Holy Spirit deliver those captive in prostitution and the future generations at risk of becoming captive so that through their transformed lives they can bring freedom to others in their communities, their country, and to the ends of the earth.

Guiding Principles

1. International in vision and service.

2. Have at its desire to fulfill the great commission. The vision includes not only helping people to find freedom in Christ but also includes encouraging them to participate in missions as goers and senders.

3. Dependent upon prayer to express needs to God so that He will be glorified.

4. Reproducible on a national and international level.

5. Indigenous.

6. Dependent upon God for personnel, finances, and direction. We will not solicit support from governmental agencies or other secular sources.

“Depend upon it, God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supply”.

Hudson Taylor